Filmed by
Noah Koski and Lex Carey
Edited by
Noah Koski
Project Manager
Lisa Huynh Eller
Husk and Shells - Volcano Choir
White Roses - Flyte & The Staves
Beggar in the Morning - The Barr Brothers
We want to extend boundless gratitude for Mark Hubbard from the Friends of the Kalalau Trail, Myranda "Wai" Kuapahi at the Koke’e State Park CCC Camp, Kawika Smith, Kekoa Aana, and David Tsuchiya from DLNR, the wonderful people at the Alekoko Fishpond, Ron O’Brian and others from the state, and Uncle Presley Wann of the Hui Maka'ainana o Makana, all of whom opened their hearts and paved the way for us to make this trip a reality!
The joy and character of the trip came to life because of the wonderful CLP Alumni: Sebi, Tony, Sage, Kim, Sofia and our wonderful new edition, Skye. Lastly, mahalo no kou lokomaika‘i (thank you for your generosity) to all of the Flourish and PUG donors who continually support our work and missions.